Family, Fishing & Fun Day, July 2023

​What a great way to spend the day! Nearly 80 people coming to us through our referring partners — Operation TBI, Craig Hospital, Ft. Carson’s Soldier Recovery Unit and the VA Hospital — enjoyed a great time of fishing, archery and hanging out in the sunshine July 15 at Colorado Youth Outdoors in Windsor, Colorado.

Event participants included several active-duty soldiers, military veterans, Craig Hospital patients –and their family members and caregivers. We also enjoyed seeing several “River Deep alumni,” who have benefited from our previous years of programming. The weather was perfect, the fish were biting, and Colorado Youth Outdoors’ expert staff members were on hand to teach event participants the basics of fly fishing and archery.

After a morning on the water and range, everyone gathered in an outdoor pavilion for a fantastic pasta lunch and specialty, in-house cheesecake provided by Gondolier Italian Eatery. The lunchtime chatter that connected friends old and new was a heartwarming reflection of River Deep Foundation’s aim to help people reconnect with themselves, their family members and within larger communities.