Annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser
SEE YOU JUNE 28, 2025!
$25,000.00 Goal
Colorado Clays
13600 Lanewood St., Brighton
Gather some friends to join us for a fun day at Colorado Clays, featuring one of the finest sporting clay courses in the country! Participants will enjoy shooting in a stellar setting, breakfast, lunch, prizes, and a drawing — all to benefit River Deep Foundation.
Participants received one free box of ammunition and their choice of a River Deep shell pouch or gun sock.
Everyone received chances to enter drawings for prizes that included a pit barrel smoker, a Grizzly Cooler, a cooler packed with elk meat, a CZ Drake 12 Guage Shotgun, and various gift cards.
Our friends at Alta Vista Dermatology provided Elta MD sunscreen — the doctor-approved good stuff!
A delicious steak lunch was served by our friends at All-American Beef Battalion.
The River Deep Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping military veterans and other individuals who have experienced physical, emotional, or psychological trauma—and those who assist them—to heal and re-engage in life through adventure, recreation and a network of support. We invite you to learn more about us.
Funds raised during events such as this sporting clays fundraiser help us plan outings allowing for connection and camaraderie for our participants, who may suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other mental health challenges and traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries. Our goal is to prevent and break patterns of isolation and despair by providing fun, supportive outings for these people and their family members. Activities include hunting, fishing, art classes, fencing, archery — and much more. Visit our blog for just a glimpse of all that our supporters help accomplish!

Can’t make it?
Each participant will need to supply:
- A shotgun (Rentals available at Colorado Clays)
- Ammunition – Minimum 100 rounds 7 1/2 shot or smaller (Sold at Colorado Clays)
- Hearing and eye protection
- For general questions please reach out to Bob at or 303-881-0400
- For questions regarding sponsorships, please reach out to Corinna at or 719-992-8294
Please note: Golf carts may be rented at Colorado Clays.
Sporting Clays Fundraiser PHOTO ALBUM